Wardrobe transition from summer to fall

Monday, October 6, 2014

With the sudden drop of temperatures, and I still haven't put my summer clothes away, I decided to publish some of the looks when I transitioned one summer item into fall.
When I shop, I always think of at least two ways I can wear the piece, and it's a bonus if I can also wear it in different seasons too!

Какой же я фэшн-блогер, если не могу по-разному скомбинировать одну и ту же вещь, правда?! Покупая что-то, я всегда мысленно представляю сколько вариантов с ней можно придумать и смогу ли я это носить в разные времена года!

A perfect piece - summer dress with fall hues:

It's always easy to mix in denim no matter the season:

My all time favorite, very versatile, vintage Oscar de la Renta silk midi-skirt:

Another easy to match skirt from ASOS:

And this floral dress:

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